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Diana's Leap!


It has been six years since Diana Jackson launched her last full length novel MURDER Now and Then  but the second in her 'Mystery Inspired by History' series is available on February 28th 2020. The day before Leap Year Day!


Diana Jackson now lives in Fife where she and her husband have become deeply committed to community life. Diana works with the  'Kinghorn in Bloom' crowd, ever improving the beautiful areas of Kinghorn and Pettycur. She also volunteers at the Kirkaldy Foodbank.  ‘The Healing Paths of Fife tells her story of relocating to Fife in the form of an allegory ~ a walk along the beautiful coastal path.


MISSING Past and Present is out now on Amazon but will be available to order at any good bookshop from the end of March 2020. 

ISBN: 978-00993260872


Use the links above to explore more of Diana's work.

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